Hand striking tools encompass a variety of tools designed for manual use in striking or impacting objects. Some common hand striking tools include:

  1. Hammers: Hammers are versatile hand tools consisting of a handle and a weighted head. The head can be made of various materials such as steel, brass, or rubber, and it is used to deliver a forceful blow to drive nails, shape metals, or break objects.
  2. Mallets: Mallets typically have a wooden, rubber, or plastic head attached to a handle. They are used when a softer blow is required, such as when working with delicate materials or assembling wooden joints.
  3. Sledge hammers: Sledgehammers are heavy-duty striking tools with a long handle and a large metal head. They are designed for heavy impact tasks like demolition, driving stakes, or breaking concrete.
  4. Axes: Axes have a long handle and a sharp metal blade. They are primarily used for cutting or splitting wood, but they can also be used as striking tools for driving wedges or chisels.
  5. Mauls: Mauls are similar to sledgehammers but usually have a shorter handle and a heavier head. They are commonly used for driving wedges, stakes, or fence posts.
  6. Punches: Punches are small, pointed metal rods with a textured or tapered end. They are used to make small indentations, create holes, or remove pins in materials like metal or leather.
  7. Chisels: Chisels have a sharp cutting edge and a handle. They are typically struck with a hammer or mallet to remove or shape materials like wood, stone, or metal.
  8. Awls: Awls are slender, pointed tools with a handle. They are used for piercing or marking materials such as leather, wood, or fabric.
  9. Pry Bars: Pry bars, also known as crowbars or wrecking bars, have a long, flat metal shaft with a curved or flat end. They are used for leverage and prying tasks, such as removing nails, lifting heavy objects, or dismantling structures.
  10. These are just a few examples of hand striking tools. There are many other specialized tools available for various tasks, each designed to provide a specific type of impact or striking force.
  11. Chipping Hammers: Chipping hammers have a short handle and a sharp, pointed head. They are commonly used in metalworking or masonry to remove slag, scale, or old mortar.
  12. Dead Blow Hammers: Dead blow hammers have a hollow head filled with loose metal shot or sand. When struck, the weight inside the head absorbs the impact and reduces rebound, making them ideal for tasks that require controlled and non-marring blows.
  13. Ball Peen Hammers: Ball peen hammers have a flat face on one end and a rounded, ball-shaped peen on the other. They are commonly used by metalworkers for shaping or riveting metal.
  14. Rubber Mallets: Rubber mallets have a rubber head attached to a handle. They are often used in woodworking or construction tasks where a softer blow is needed to avoid damaging delicate surfaces.
  15. Tack Hammers: Tack hammers have a small, narrow head with a magnetized face for holding and driving small nails, tacks, or brads. They are commonly used in upholstery or crafts.
  16. Club Hammers: Club hammers, also known as lump hammers, have a short handle and a double-faced, square-headed design. They are used in construction or metalworking for heavier striking tasks like breaking stones or driving chisels.
  17. Brick Hammers: Brick hammers have a chisel-shaped end for splitting bricks and a square striking face on the other end for driving nails or breaking materials.
  18. Pin Punches: Pin punches are slender, pointed tools used for driving out pins or aligning holes. They have a long, tapered end and are commonly used in automotive or machinery repairs.
  19. Star Drills: Star drills, also called hand drills or masonry drills, have a star-shaped cross-section with sharp points on the end. They are manually rotated and struck with a hammer to create holes in masonry or concrete.

These are just a few more examples of hand striking tools available for different purposes. The selection of the appropriate tool depends on the specific task at hand and the material being worked on.

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